CALL US : 0780 8003152
Our mission is to match unwanted and abandoned pets with new owners. But in the meantime sponsors step in and help us look after our animals. When you sponsor a dog you help us help them. These dogs are all long term residents of Halfway Home and will stay with us until they either find a home or cross rainbow bridge. Your sponsorship will help us continue to care for these dogs.
Sponsorship starts from as little as £1 per week. If you would like to sponsor one of these dogs please get in touch by emailing us at hwhdonate@gmail.com.
If you are a local business and also want a link to your website once you have sponsored a dog we will publish this on our website and also our Facebook page which goes out to over 22,000 people.
We are in the process of creating sponsorship certificates which we hope to be able to laminate and send out to sponsors, in the near future.
Thank you X